How to protect your Personal Computer against internet malware?

This is the age of the internet. We can hardly now think without it. It has indeed made life very comfortable for us. Besides it has also created a great many opportunities for all of us. But with the internet has also come in the various threats. One of the greatest risks of accessing the internet from your personal computer or other device is that of malware.
Without the right protection against it you may easily fall a victim to identity stealing scam. Your server might get hacked leading to huge business losses. It is essential therefore for knowing the ways to have protection against them. However before knowing about ways for protection, let us first understand what a malware is.

What is malware?

Malware is actually an abbreviation for malicious software. It is that type of software which has been designed with the intention of gaining access to information on your computer. It is also intended generally to damage your personal computer or internet based device. There are various types of malware.

One common one is called as “Spyware”. Generally, software is considered malware based on the intent of the creator rather than its actual features. What is particularly worrying is that many of them are being created regularly putting all our PCs under greater threats. We will try to provide you with some simple tips which can help you to protect your PC against the threats.

Installing firewall

After buying your computer and going to browse internet you must have firewall installed on your PC. It is basically a network security system which may be hardware or software that controls incoming and outgoing network traffic. This is based on certain rules. It enacts the role of a security guard. It is the first step to provide protection to your computer. So it is essential you have an effective one installed.

Installing a comprehensive Anti Virus Software

Antivirus is a s software that aids to protect the computer against software and unauthorized codes which might endanger the computer system. It is essential to provide real time protection. Most antivirus software nowadays gets automatically updated when you go online. So they provide increased protection.

Installing Anti- Spyware Software

As already mentioned spyware is a common type of malware which is used to steal identity and vital information by accessing your computer. You may therefore install on your PC specific Anti Spyware software aimed mainly for protecting against Spyware.
You must use Secure and Complex Passwords
In order to protect your Computer you must use Complex and secure passwords. In fact this is your first line of defense against threats to your computer. You must try to use passwords which have at least in them. Try to use a combination of alphabets, both in upper and lower case, numerical and special characters.
Security settings of your internet browser is also very important
Are you aware of the fact that internet browser has various security settings. You must review the present settings and try to change to provide maximum protection to your PC.
We hope that with the 5 simple points mentioned above you can get some protect your PC against the rampant malware attacks which have been increased in recent times.